these great organizations offer opportunities we bet you will like

RESOURCES For individuals

Citizen Solutions, an innovative civic experiment by Starts With Us, empowers Americans to discover hidden common ground and co-create solutions to seemingly unsolvable issues. Through a deliberative dialogue and problem solving process, citizens of divergent backgrounds shatter stereotypes, identify shared values and develop state-level consensus proposals on issues such as gun safety and rights, women's health, and public safety. Sign up to track progress and be in the know Citizen Solutions comes to your state.


FIRE’s mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thought—the most essential qualities of liberty. FIRE educates Americans about the importance of these inalienable rights, promotes a culture of respect for these rights, and provides the means to preserve them. Click here to learn more about how you can get involved! If you're concerned your right to freedom of expression is at risk, you can submit a case here


The Braver Angels Skills for Bridging the Divide e-workshop offers tips on how to communicate with people who differ from you politically. You’ll learn and practice skills for listening in a way that the other person feels heard, and speaking in a way that the other person is likely to hear you. If you’d like to follow up this course with a live Zoom practice session led by a trained moderator, check out the Online Skills for Bridging the Divide Workshop! You’ll be paired with a partner in a low-stakes environment where you can focus on the skills to practice communicating better, rather than winning an argument.


AllSides is a media technology and solutions company that strengthens our democratic society with balanced newsmedia bias ratings, diverse perspectives, and real conversation. AllSides' mission is to free people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world and each other. AllSides fights polarization by exposing people to different perspectives, including via our balanced newsfeed, civil dialogue partnerships, and programs like Mismatch. We believe diversity in thought and relationships allows us to appreciate others and engage in productive problem solving — and ultimately, heal our democracy.


The Network for Responsible Public Policy was formed to offer the public trustworthy non-partisan information on contentious issues in a time of increased polarization. NFRPP educates, informs, and motivates civic engagement through informed discussion that leads to common ground solutions on challenging issues.


To connect our divided country, the American Exchange Project sends high school seniors on a free, week-long trip to a hometown very different from their own. See how you can bring this great program to your community.


RESOURCES For organizations

Disagree Better is a project of the National Governors Association, led by Utah Governor Spencer Cox, to help Americans relearn the skills of healthy conflict. It will show Governors and other politicians modeling healthy conflict, it will elevate and amplify the work of organizations from across the political spectrum reducing partisan animosity, and it will help Americans see a more optimistic way of working through America's challenges.


The Constructive Dialogue Institute is a national non-profit that builds evidence-based educational tools to equip Americans with the skills to bridge divides. They work with high schools, universities, and workplaces across the country to foster connection and dialogue across differences. Learn more about bringing their tools to your community. 


Grounded in the science of social psychology, More in Common is a nonpartisan nonprofit on a mission to understand the forces driving us apart, find common ground, and bring people together to address our shared challenges. They conduct unique audience and opinion research seeking to understand not just what Americans think, but why. They work with hundreds of civil society organizations, cultural institutions and corporations across the country, to apply insights from their research to reduce polarization and bring more Americans together to engage in our civil and cultural life.